Innovative Distance Learning with Scale Up at AKAD University

Innovative Distance Learning with Scale Up at AKAD University

The AKAD Group has established itself as a pioneer in distance learning. It offers not only state and internationally recognized degrees, but also high-quality further training courses. Its unique mix of media and methods guarantees learners maximum flexibility. Since 2011/2012, lecturers at AKAD University have been using TOPSIM business simulations to provide hands-on learning experiences. Among them is Prof. Dr. Daniel Markgraf, who emphasizes digital teaching and the joy of learning.

General Conditions 

Prof. Dr. Markgraf uses our Scale Up business simulation for MBA and Master of Arts students. The number of participants is approximately 25 master students per implementation. Two seminars with Scale Up are offered annually for master’s students, while bachelor’s students can participate in monthly seminars.

One of the reasons why AKAD University uses Scale Up is that the simulation focuses on digitalization, sustainability and mobility. For Prof. Dr. Markgraf, the scenarios in Scale Up are also particularly clear and well-developed, making it easy for students to get into the game.

Procedure of the Business Simulation 

Three weeks prior to the start of the simulation, an introductory session is held to familiarize participants with the Scale Up participant manual and to give them a first look at the TOPSIM-Cloud interface. They work on a strategy development task using the participant manual. Students also spend a Friday or Saturday receiving input from AKAD University seminar instructors and discussing the basics of the business simulation in groups.

During group work, participants deepen their knowledge of the underlying information. Together, they develop strategies, which they assign to different areas of their virtual company. Individual team members need to focus on specific areas of the business according to their skills and work together effectively. This creates a team feeling. The presentation of the developed strategies is an important step and gives the students the opportunity to present their ideas and receive valuable feedback from the instructors. To familiarize participants with the processes, the simulation begins with one or two test periods.

The simulation is then reset, and the actual implementation begins, which takes several weeks. In the first two simulation periods, pressure is deliberately put on the students to test their ability to make quick decisions. The later periods are played at weekly intervals, which allows the instructors to review the interim results and identify any errors. These errors are discussed directly with the teams to work out improvements together. The simulation concludes after six periods.

In most business simulations, students behave in a typically German way – in other words, they pursue a strict quality and high-price strategy. The teams follow a very similar procedure. The differences during the simulation are usually due to individual mistakes and not to strategy.

Because Scale Up is quite complex and extensive, students are often reluctant to take risks. To counter this, Prof. Dr. Markgraf and his colleagues participated in previous business simulations and deliberately adopted a counter strategy. This allowed them to encourage the students to change their strategy.

Topics Covered Innovative Distance Learning with Scale Up at AKAD University

Innovative Approaches for Distance Learning: Virtual Learning Worlds  

AKAD University offers distance learning programs only, which makes social interaction between instructors and students a challenge. Semester times and cohorts are not fixed, as students can join or leave a semester at any time. The university environment is 100% digital, which allows for experimentation with virtual learning environments. Faced with the challenge of engaging distance learners in face-to-face courses, AKAD University has developed a groundbreaking approach. As part of a research project, Prof. Dr. Markgraf worked with the virtual learning and working environment TriCAT to create a sense of community for an offline seminar while promoting team-based learning.

TriCAT is a market leader in the field of virtual 3D learning and working environments, virtual classrooms, and academies. The company sets standards in technological development and is constantly working on innovative solutions to make learning and collaboration economical and sustainable. Their virtual 3D world enables the combination of spatial experience and encounters resembling physical presence with people all over the world.

To explore the added value of virtual 3D worlds for students, our Scale Up business simulation was used as the basis for a research project. TriCAT was introduced to analyze how students cope with this environment and whether it is suitable for seminars. Positive feedback from participants included the ability to move freely around the room and to retreat into virtual groups.

Prof. Dr. Markgraf also rated the project as predominantly positive. He was able to participate in group work without much effort, similar to a face-to-face seminar. The research project highlighted the possibilities of virtual learning environments and their impact on the learning environment at AKAD University. AKAD University remains committed to improving education in a constantly changing environment. Through the integration of virtual learning environments and the use of business simulations, distance learners can benefit from an interactive and realistic educational experience that not only imparts knowledge but also promotes the practical application of concepts.

Seminar Objectives and Grading

The AKAD Group’s degree programs often combine innovative forms of examination with business simulations. These approaches offer students a practical approach, but also promote critical thinking and strategic action. The combination of business simulations and examination forms in the master’s program is multi-faceted. Two weeks after completing the simulation, students hold a virtual general meeting for their company. Another element of the exam is the submission of a complete annual report four weeks after the end of the simulation. The report is deliberately not designed to meet scientific standards. Instead, the students are asked to examine the structure of annual reports of various DAX companies and prepare them accordingly.

The final phase of the business simulation is particularly interesting, as the students reflect on their decisions and the resulting outcomes. This gives them a better understanding of what they may have done wrong and why they made certain decisions. This critical self-reflection not only promotes understanding of business concepts, but also enables students to question their approach and learn from mistakes.

This is very pleasant in the master’s programs, because as an instructor you can see that the master’s students are not working on the business simulation, but with the business simulation!

According to Prof. Dr. Markgraf, business simulations are always a highlight for students and are highly valued at AKAD University. The virtual environment of the simulations allows students to work in teams, overcome challenges and develop solutions together. At a time when more and more students are taking advantage of distance learning opportunities, AKAD University’s innovative use of business simulations proves that learning is not just about books and lectures. Business simulations offer students the opportunity to actively participate in their education, inspire each other and grow together in a dynamic environment.


Our Scale Up business simulation will continue to be an integral part of the AKAD University program. We would like to thank Prof. Dr. Markgraf for his commitment and wish him and his students continued fun and educational experiences with our business simulations!



¹ Darum TriCAT (2024, 20. Februar). TriCAT.

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