Business Simulations in Practice: The General Management Program at EBS University

In a blended learning concept, the Executive School at the EBS University in Wiesbaden uses TOPSIM – General Management for its in-house General Management Program. The General Management Program provides an all-round training in management and leadership skills. In this blog article we show you how the program is structured and how our simulations support the learning goals.

The General Management Program is a compulsory module of the university’s part-time Master’s programs. As a certificate program for specialists and executives, the module provides participants with the latest management know-how and thus offers further development opportunities and networks for professionals from all industries. The holistic program strengthens entrepreneurial thinking and action. In small groups with EBS professors and renowned lecturers, management skills in companies are learned and deepened on an academic level.

How is the program structured?

The General Management Program is designed as a blended learning format in which attendance phases – consisting of five two-day block seminars – alternate with online learning phases. In the first seminar there is a kick-off to the business simulation combined with various theoretical inputs, for example on business planning and strategic management. The seminars require attendance time, but between the seminars there are team and individual coaching sessions as well as virtual classrooms that are designed online. In these virtual classrooms, the business simulation is evaluated and additional in-depth content is provided.

Infographic: TOPSIM - General Management at EBS University

Why does TOPSIM General Management fit so well with the learning objectives?

The General Management Program was created to solve key management issues in a constantly changing (business) environment in a creative and future-oriented way. Through the business simulation the participants learn in a practical and hands-on way. They experience team dynamics and struggle with various challenges, both in the group and individually. Whether it is the targeted positioning of the company, strategic marketing or financing concepts: The contents that the General Management Program wants to cover can also be found in TOPSIM General Management.

How is it evaluated?

In order to obtain the certificate “General Manager (EBS)” and thus 6 ECTS points, participants must complete an exam, a case study and the business simulation. There is an exam in the last seminar of the second semester. The participants have to present and defend their results of the business simulation, explain how they proceeded in the decision rounds and how they came to a common solution.

We would like to thank Ingrid Petri for her insight into the exciting program of EBS University!

Mastering Business Operations at the Hochschule Bremen

Mastering Business Operations at the Hochschule Bremen

Prof. Dr. Stephan Form from Hochschule Bremen plays our challenging management simulation Mastering Business Operations with bachelor students in the 7th semester. Before the students take over the management of a company, they evaluate data sets from previously completed “Mastering Business Operations” games using business intelligence tools.