Tips & Tricks

Here we show how you can use business simulations to develop entrepreneurial skills, successfully use online concepts in teaching, or train employees and (junior) managers. In these articles, we also present current reading recommendations on business topics, practical digital tools and interesting platforms. 

4 Soft Skills developed with Management Simulations

In addition to professional know-how, soft skills play an increasingly important role in job search and professional life. But how can you improve them? Through the combination of subject-specific, methodological and social challenges, business simulations offer a holistic learning experience in...

What is Pecha Kucha? The Innovative Presentation Format

What is Pecha Kucha? The Innovative Presentation Format

You may have heard of “Death by PowerPoint”. This phenomenon is noticeable in presentations that contain boring standard images and distracting animations and are characterized by the accumulation of unimportant details. The listener begins to get bored, may switch off and the information does not get through. Pecha Kucha is an innovative method to make slideshows more effective.