TOPSIM Supports Equal Opportunities and Digital Education


Equal opportunities and access to digital education go hand in hand and are equally close to our hearts. Acquiring media skills is a basic prerequisite for surviving in an increasingly digitized world and minimizing educational inequality. That is why we are supporting Digitale Bildung für Alle e.V. and the non-profit organization with our 2021 Christmas donation.

Digital Education for All

Personal interaction with other children and young people plays a significant role in the development of students’ social and personal skills. In this context, the teaching of digital skills and forms of face-to-face instruction are by no means mutually exclusive. However, during the ongoing pandemic, the lack of digital education opportunities is becoming increasingly apparent.

To enable teachers and students to successfully combine face-to-face and distance learning, the digitization of the school system must be driven forward more strongly. To counteract this deficit, Digitale Bildung für Alle e.V. enables children and young people to access digital education and is thus committed to equal opportunity education.¹

Equal Opportunities for Non-Academic Families

Children and young people from families without university experience often find it difficult to get into higher education. According to the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V. (Donors’ Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany), in addition to financial reasons, information deficits, competence disadvantages and mental barriers in particular contribute to this circumstance.² That is why the non-profit organization supports students from non-academic families in advancing their education, during their studies and when starting their careers. The aim is to make the educational path of young people less dependent on the level of education of their parents and to allow it to be shaped primarily by their individual talents.³

Around 6,000 volunteers are already involved in and support students and parents with a wide range of advisory services. In addition to information events, the non-profit organization also offers phone counseling and its own social network to facilitate access to education-related information.³

More information

Would you like to learn more about Digitale Bildung für Alle e.V. and or would you like to support them? You can find more information on the respective websites:


 ¹ Digitale Bildung für Alle e.V., URL:, retrieved on 15.12.2021

² „Vom Arbeiterkind zum Doktor“. Diskussionspapier 2 des Stifterverbands für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V., URL:, retrieved on 15.12.2021

³ gemeinnützige GmbH zur Förderung des Hochschulstudiums von Nicht-Akademikerkindern, URL:, retrieved on 15.12.2021

TOPSIM Contributes to Equal Opportunities in Education

TOPSIM Contributes to Equal Opportunities in Education

The German Children’s Fund supports children and families in breaking out of the vicious circle of poverty and lack of prospects and offers them equal opportunities for the future, regardless of their income. We at TOPSIM GmbH support the valuable work of the German Children’s Fund with our Christmas donation 2023!